Monday, February 17, 2020

Starting Over

The old blog had over 1000 subscribers by email, 48 on linky, 308 on BlogLovin, and who knows how many using the RSS or (now defunct) Network Blogs.
But that's gone.
The website is gone, too.

In order to meet some of life's *extra-special* tortures challenges last year, some things had to fall between the cracks.

On the plus side, the old blog had posts with Photobucket images that no longer worked. (My premium account wasn't enough, they wanted a ransom fee. As if they're the only hosting site on the Internet? Ha. Bye.) I never dedicated enough time to cleaning those old posts. Now, I don't have to! They're gone.

Please bear with me as I start everything from scratch.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin