Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today:
Louise - Fundy Blue , Jennifer Lane, Mary Aalgaard, Patsy Collins at Womagwriter, and Nancy Gideon!
February 3 question -
Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

It seems like such a simple question. Yet I've been struggling with it all day! And, as you can see, I've done some research. I've been in situations before where someone was surprised to learn I thought of us as friends. 😖 That is not a good feeling. 😨 And what if I left out someone who feels like we're friends?
Yes, this month's question has found my insecurity and dragged it right to the anxiety surface.
That being said, I'm going to name some people who I check in with about once a month, and who generally reciprocate. That's as near to the definition as it gets. Also, these are bloggers who I met via blogs, not people with whom I'm friends with who also happen to blog. (No special order.) - Janet is one of the nicest, kindest, warmest people in the blogosphere. - Janet is one of the nicest, kindest, warmest people in the blogosphere. - Hilary Melton-Butcher has a blog where I always feel like I've learned something, and I love that about her. - Jemima is so creative. I love visiting her site and finding she has published yet another book.
Misha Gerrick - She hasn't blogged in a year. But I hope she'll come back someday. We've had a few good discussions.
Misha Gerrick - She hasn't blogged in a year. But I hope she'll come back someday. We've had a few good discussions. - Ronel and I connected during an A to Z Challenge. I love her writing style and her insights. - Arlee and I have vastly different opinions on politics, but we both believe in blogging and the strong community it can build. Plus, he knows more about music than I'll ever learn, and that's cool. - L.G. and I might be friends, or I might just be a fanboy who loves the books of hers that I've read. - L.G. and I might be friends, or I might just be a fanboy who loves the books of hers that I've read. - Damyanti Biswas has an incredible book out. I love her take on the world and admire her advocacy. - DL and I have talked about writing several times. - Sarah is always fun to chat with and I love the research she puts into her writing. - C Lee is always great to chat with. I love the pictures she shares. - Kara I met through Operation Awesome. We've had many long chats online. - Crystal has been away. 🧀 I shall leave out this block of cheese for her.
And finally, our Ninja Captain Alex.
Check out the IWSG book club on Goodreads! - Kara I met through Operation Awesome. We've had many long chats online. - Crystal has been away. 🧀 I shall leave out this block of cheese for her.
And finally, our Ninja Captain Alex.
Check out the IWSG book club on Goodreads!