Thursday, June 16, 2022

Luring You In To Please Read the Flash Fiction #WEPFF #WEP

"Caught you," I hope to say
if only you'll not hide, not stay away
Big One, babe, you'll taste so fine
Please take the bait
I'm jiggling my lure

Call me crazy for needing more
but this one's too small
even a fool knows to throw it back
I keep checking my line
Please want my bait
I'm bottom bouncing for you

I don't want a cichlid
Please find my flies
Please like my plugs
I've got a box full of jigs
How about a spinner with a skirted hook?
Please understand, I've tried live too
There's nothing with me that isn't for you
I check again but you're not found

Please come for my spoon
Please, there's flexible rubber too
Please, oh please, my fly needs you

Just one more try for today
Remember where I cast 
You've kept your spot a secret
cherishing your place in the deep
Please see my net and promise me one day
One day you'll be in it

Am I crazy to pursue you?
I could just buy what I'm looking for
The sport is catching you
Holding you
Cleaning you
Heating you up
And eating you until there's nothing left
but bone and head and tail

Mmm mmm mmm
I'll even have your eyes
Mmm mmm mmm
Please take my bait
Please find my lure
Come home to me
Big One, please be mine

Luring You In
by J Lenni Dorner
232 words FCA

Fish Luring You In To Please Read the Flash Fiction #WEPFF #WEP

Gottcha! 😆🎣

I was going to write short fiction with my Existence characters. Actually, I did. But the scene makes no sense out of context and is just littered with spoilers. So, I decided to go for a walk and think about it.

That's when I ran into Ger. We have almost nothing in common other than a tendency to gravitate to the same areas to hunt and fish. He's a pretty good hunter, considering the hundreds or thousands of dollars he must spend to have that much equipment with him. But his very pricy bow tends to keep up with the one I handcrafted, so there you go. Fishing, however... oh Ger...
"Maybe if you kept yer mouth shut once in a dang while, I'd catch a decent fish!"
(This is funny because I'm mute. We kid around with each other.

Above is a picture he took of the bend in the river, and another of his "biggest catch" this week. Any fish that's smaller than your hand has to go back in the water. 😂

My entry is a letter or song or poem, whatever you'd like to call it, by me from Ger to his elusive fish. As Ger is a father, I'll dedicate this to him and wish him a Happy Father's day. 
And a Happy Father's day to any other dads out there reading this.
(Neither my dad nor Ger have ever seen my blog, so they won't see this post.)

Tagline: Written for the uncaught one. (It's NOT erotica.)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

#IWSG Writing to The End

Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today: SE White, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguire, Joylene Nowell Butler, and Jacqui Murray!

June 1 question - When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end?

Feeling demotivated makes this question difficult to answer. I love writing. I truly believe it is the purpose of my soul, my life force, the energy that makes me me. Motivation and passion normally burn in me like that fire in Centralia. (Yes, I'm from this region. Yes, I've been to this place.

Strong advice is to create a routine. Often, when depression or mind-numbing sorrow from too much mourning destroys the ability to function, the body can take on a sort of robotic routine. The coffee gets made, the bread becomes toast, teeth and hair get brushed... it's just going through the motions. Every single word I wrote while 🤖 existing that way is crap. It's dictionary vomit. The sentences qualify as such only because I picked out the correct parts of speech needed for words to form a sentence. The PURPOSE is to be able to say "at least I wrote today." Because not writing feels like failure, and the shame spiral continues and then there's nothing but failure and darkness. Guess where those words went...

recycle bin @jlennidorner

I haven't honestly worked on my main project in a long time. My broken mind has thrown up roadblocks and other activities. I have dozens of reasons not to work on it. Give me a minute, and I'll come up with a dozen more. Do you know what'd be better? If I wrote a dozen sentences in the project instead. Or even edited some. Then again, while you can't edit a blank page, I have edited the crap out of some full pages. 🤦🏽‍♂️

There's always trying a new style of planning and plotting. I followed a different-to-me outline structure in April to get my A to Z story written. It was refreshing to finish a story. And this month, I'll be working on a short story for WEP's June challenge. ("This month's prompt is based on Please Read the Letter by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - a break up song and a moving plea for understanding at the termination of a relationship." - ) A song I've never heard before by people I've never heard of... but the title makes me think of a line from This Ruined Puzzle by Dashboard Confessional. 🎵"I've written a note It's pressed between pages..." 
None of this works toward my main project. 
Unless I at least use my Existence characters. 
That's an idea... 

Forgiving myself and trying again the next day is the only way I'll ever reach "the end." 

Please also visit: The Insecure Writer's Support Group Book Club on Goodreads.

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