Shout-out to the awesome co-hosts for today: Pat Garcia, Sylvia Ney, Liesbet @ Roaming About Cathrina Constantine, and Natalie Aguirre!
December 2 question - Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?
November is my most productive writing month, thanks to NaNoWriMo.
April is my most productive blog-writing month, thanks to the A to Z Challenge.
I've written almost half a million words during NaNoWriMo. (Don't look too closely at how many I've chucked out, especially from Proof of Existence. The third book is easy, the second book is freaking difficult! Arggh.)
Do you take part in either of those?
Do you take part in either of those?
Are you in the IWSG book club on Goodreads? I'm honored to have written the writing craft book that's being read for Dec/Jan/Feb.