Wednesday, February 2, 2022

#IWSG and Jeremy Hawkins Tribute


Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today: Joylene Nowell Butler, Jacqui Murray, Sandra Cox, and Lee Lowery!

February 2 question - Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?


I am losing track of how many people I've lost lately.

The dedication page in my book says it best.
The last two years have been a 💩⛈ of deaths of friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances... 
I was upset about certain friends who moved away back when I dedicated my book.
But that is nothing compared to what's going on now.

💉 I could tell you to vaccinate but, honestly, if you haven't yet, my saying it won't be the request that tips you over, will it? 
It's your life. You can risk it. That's not more or less true because of a pandemic.
But the people you leave behind have to deal with your loss. People that are left behind will feel grief and will wonder if they could have said something or done something to change the outcome. 
Your life isn't a lone island. I can say that with certainty because you're here, reading this. And I'm GRATEFUL that you are here to read this. 
I've been especially lost in grief lately. It has taken away time I could spend with the living. And time I could spend writing, blogging, finding debut authors to interview, commenting on blogs, trolling social media... 
Nope. I was busy weeping and doing ceremonies for the dead. That wouldn't be my role, but the guy who normally did them, he died. 

I'd like to go back to cheering up sick children (the "pays the bills" job). I'd like to spend hours a week writing and blogging and being in my community of writers and bloggers. And I'd like to finish reading a book in a day instead of a few pages a week again! I'm tired of missing people and of having losses for people to be sorry for. 

This post ends with a tribute to Jeremy, the graphics guy I know from the A to Z Challenge. I can't believe he's gone. I can't believe one more person I know died. I was dealing with a sick friend at the time (which is how I missed last month's post). And soon (very soon), the team and I will have to put out a post looking for another graphics person. 💔 My heart is absolutely broken at the thought.

Covid has taken far too much from me. Jeremy's Facebook shows his friends and family telling us that it is what killed him. Several of them ask that people get vaccinated. Fight what killed him. 
You will or you won't; don't bother to argue with me if you're on the "won't" side. 
I've buried or burned too many bodies from this pandemic. 

Please visit: The Insecure Writer's Support Group Book Club on Goodreads.

Operation Awesome Happening at

Please share that tweet.

On January 3, we lost an amazing guy – Jeremy Hawkins.

Today, February 2, we pay tribute and give back to one who was so giving and involved in our community.

Please honor his life and support the family he leaves behind.  Please purchase his t-shirts and his books

Spread the word and let’s pay tribute to one of the most supportive and loyal guys ever to cross our paths, Jeremy Hawkins.

Most of our conversations were related to the #AtoZChallenge. Here are some fun glimpses:

Jeremy conversation with J

Jeremy conversation with J

Jeremy conversation with J

He really did enjoy making the graphics for the A to Z Challenge.
Thank you, Jeremy, for the legacy you left behind. I'm glad I bought one of the limited-edition personalized posters.


  1. I am so sorry about all your losses. Wish you strength and love. The pandemic's turned lives upside down.

  2. A very interesting and wonderful tribute to Jeremy, Enjoyed the read.
    Hope you are well and take care.

  3. I'm so very sorry for all your recent losses. It is so hard dealing with the grief of losing those we love. I hope you have family and friends you can talk to about it. I'm always here if you ever need to talk.

  4. Jeremy was one of a kind.
    Sorry you have been losing so many.

  5. You post is so touching, it is painful to read. I'm very sorry for your losses.

  6. I'm sorry for all your recent losses.

  7. So sorry for all your losses. Last year was filled with losses for me as well. Sending hugs.

  8. I'm so sorry you have lost so many people over the last couple of years. Grief is hard enough when we're just dealing with the loss of one person. When it keeps happening our resilience weakens. I'm sorry grieving has taken you away from the things you love. I hope you feel like you can move forward soon, and that the rest of 2022 is kinder to you. Thank you for sharing your memories of Jeremy.

  9. Shared the tweet!

    Loads of hugs for all the pain you've endured because of Covid.

  10. I'm getting accustomed to losing friends, family, and others who had an influence on my life. Like I told my wife recently, we might as well get used to the idea of loss since the older we get the more we'll lose. I hate to see people go in any manner, but I'm thankful for every new day I receive. Hopefully I'll have many more to go.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. So much sadness. I have one of Jeremy's T-shirts and a mug from 2016 A 2 Z. Keeping you in my thoughts.
    Janet’s Smiles

  12. I'm sorry you've lost so many people in a short time. So sad. I feel I'm getting to know Jeremy with these tributes. He sounds wonderful.


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