Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today: Liza at Middle Passages, Shannon Lawrence, Melissa Maygrove, and Olga Godim!
June 5 question - In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?
I'm happy with this monthly bloghop check-in. There was a book club, and I LOVED that. I loved finding new-to-me books there and discussions with others. But I guess it wasn't popular enough. I don't know an answer here. Maybe members with popular social media pages ("Bookstagram") accounts would want to offer to showcase new book releases from members??? I don't feel that I qualify as such a person, so I can't detail the plan better. I believe my socials really only reach the speculative fiction crowd (fantasy, sci-fi, etc). I'm not a marketing expert, I just learn what I can.
This question is hard. I'm going to talk about a reading challenge now.
📚 Reading Adventure (based in the United States). 🕮 Adventurers must submit by August 31, 2024. (There doesn't appear to be an actual "signing up" stage. You just do the activities.) I plan to keep track this summer here, on my blog.
- June is an update month. My spouse and I have been dealing with some rough life stuff. I've got family members going through hard times. I can't talk about everything that's going on right now, but some of it is definitely stranger than fiction. I'm having Internet issues lately, too. It is always something, isn't it? And a friend who usually helps me has dislocated her wrist, so she's not available right now.
- Road Tripping. I'm behind on visiting the Reflections. I'm behind on everything right now.
📚 Reading Adventure (based in the United States). 🕮 Adventurers must submit by August 31, 2024. (There doesn't appear to be an actual "signing up" stage. You just do the activities.) I plan to keep track this summer here, on my blog.