Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Urban Fantasy Characteristics #IWSG and News

Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today: Tonja Drecker, Victoria Marie Lees, Mary Aalgaard, and Sandra Cox!

DATE question - October 5

What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre?

"Urban fantasy combines selected imaginary/unrealistic elements of plot, character, theme, or setting with a largely-familiar world - combining the familiar and the strange. Such elements may exist secretly in the world or may occur openly." -

"Urban fantasy describes a subgenre of fantasy in which the real world collides with the decidedly supernatural or magical world." -

"The most necessary element to consider in the plot of an urban fantasy is the unanswered question. It’s usually not enough in an urban fantasy for your protagonist to have a strong driving goal; there should also be a huge, possibly frightening unknown that gradually unfolds throughout the story," -

"A protagonist with a foot in both worlds: The main character of an urban fantasy is typically savvy to the real-life ways of their urban environment yet can also wield or exploit magical powers." -

I felt I should first share the established characteristics before just saying that I love the way urban fantasy blends with real-world settings, making it feel plausible. Urban Fantasy is a subgenre of Speculative Fiction, and it's the one I've opted to pick to answer this question. 

Please also visit: The Insecure Writer's Support Group Book Club on Goodreads.

🎬 Let me tell you about two cool movies I recently enjoyed watching.

Lou on Netflix. Allison Janney as an action-thriller star. She's a fantastic actress, but seeing her like this is mind-blowingly good. If you're in the "why don't we see older women kicking butt in movies" group, here you go!

Three Thousand Years of Longing A content writer is granted three wishes by a Djinn. While she tries to think of a wish, he absorbs knowledge from everything around him, and then tells her stories from his life. An excellent movie for writers. (Content- Rated R for scenes with female concubines lounging around nude.)

WEP Oct 2022 thriller image
Flash fiction contest and community this month.

Operation Awesome Happening at

Pass or Pages! Adult Fantasy query letters entry window is open this week. Five lucky winners will get feedback from agents, and possibly requests for PAGES! Please spread the word.

A to Z Challenge Happening at the A to Z Challenge
Zip Thru Autumn #atozchallenge event
A laid-back blogging event.


  1. I've really been enjoying reading fantasies set in our world these days. The one I'm writing now is set in both this and an alternate world.

  2. Urban Fantasy is another great genre and does a wonderful job of combining the familiar and the strange;)

  3. Urban Fantasy is one of my favorite genres too. It gets fun seeing real world aspects getting tangled up with the fantastical nature that draws me to fantasy.

  4. There is something quite satisfying about seeing the mundane and the mystical side by side. It feels like it adds a little bit of magic to the real world.

  5. It's fun seeing what everyone's favorite genres are. Oddly, I'm not wild about urban fantasy--for exactly the reason you like it! I guess I don't like it so much when reality gets fuzzy?

  6. Even though fantasy is not my go-to genre for reading, I'm open to recommendations cause I've found that some books do surprise me with how much I end up enjoying them.


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What is your favorite fiction genre to read?