Monday, May 15, 2023

Bout of Books 37 #bookreview

Bout of Books

This is the 18th time I've taken part in Bout of Books. I will post more reviews later.

Book Review:

Excuse Me While I Disappear: Tales of Midlife Mayhem 3 star rating image on the blog of @JLenniDorner

This was a First Reads free book. This review is my honest and unbiased opinion.
I like the dinosaur on the cover. I am NOT the target audience for this book, as I am not a Caucasian woman over fifty. I do, however, love a good Philadelphia cheesesteak, and am Gen X.

The majority of this review is only on my personal blog. The ending thanks threatens that those who do not like the author will be cursed- "dropped me like a hot potato... I have put curses on you all." The author's father, mentioned in the book, stalks telemarketers to threaten them. While that is not my job, I would rather not be stalked for reviewing a book. Also, there's a chapter where the author intentionally becomes, for all intents and purposes, becomes an Internet troll. I'd prefer to avoid that interaction. "I knew what I used to do to friends who were blackout drunk when I was in my twenties." Hinting at what happens to friends, I don't wish to learn what happens to unfortunate readers who dislike the book.

Money is a big topic in this book. The cost of getting hair done, getting antiques and such on Facebook Marketplace, and buying a MINI Copper is justified, yet the cost sidewalk upkeep seems out of reach. (There's an unwritten Republican common criticism joke somewhere in there that people would be able to afford everything if they stopped drinking coffee.) Massive amounts must be spent on the multitudes of medical tests mentioned (it's America, after all), but paying for sidewalk upkeep is complained about instead of a plea for universal healthcare. 🤷🏽‍♂️

There's a lot about pot gummies. And the suggestion that taking them creates "superwomen." There are a lot of drugs, prescription and not, mentioned in this. 

I've never made a guest list of people who I hope will be jealous. I have no idea where in Atlantic City the nearest restaurant would be a golf course a mile away. I've been down there several times and found many places to eat. The year isn't mentioned thou, so perhaps many have since closed? I also cannot imagine pretending to be dead so my spouse is ready to find me like that, and honestly it sounds closer to a warning sign of potential intended self-harm. 

I did enjoy this part:
"Everyone thinks they know the best way to live, think, and be... when generally they have no clue about anyone else's life that they are judging, be it through humor or not." The quote is attributed to "Aryana F," in response to the trolling.

The author seems to really need to be seen, to get attention. When not getting that, theft, conflict instigation, and other antics ensue. I would not recommend this book to any person of color, as simply having gray hair is unlikely to create an invisibility for you to be able to steal. I cannot imagine an America where a police officer would ignore a POC due to age, and allow them to steal something like potatoes. 👮🥔🚓 I actually had a strong feeling the author was white before reading her say "a satire of white privilege" was one of her stories. 

Of all of the books on my TBR, I wish I hadn't flicked this one open. I nearly DNF multiple times. I am guilty of having judged a book by the cover, as it was the part I enjoyed the most. I finished hoping there would be something I'd find funny at some point. I was looking to feel uplifted. I was disappointed. 

My heart does go out to the elderly dog. And I can identify with having friend group members who have died. 

One star for the cover, one star because it's well-edited, and one star for the dog (who survived the book) makes a total of THREE. 

Internet troll defined on Google search

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Writing Inspiration #IWSG

Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today:

Joylene Nowell Butler, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Meka James, Diane Burton, Victoria Marie Lees, and M Louise Barbour!

May 3 question - When you are working on a story, what inspires you?

Pinterest. Life all around me. An online chat with pals. I suppose it depends where I am in a story.

Please also visit: The Insecure Writer's Support Group Book Club on Goodreads.

A to Z Challenge Happening at the A to Z Challenge

Operation Awesome Happening at
There are still GIVEAWAYS open! Please see the reflections post. Also, I'm looking for 2023 Debut Authors. Know anyone publishing for the first time this year?

What's next for me?

Milk and Mocha bear Reading Bout of Books

Monday, May 1, 2023

Reflections #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Proof of Existence - Reflection @JLenniDorner

#AtoZChallenge 2023 winner

Thank you SO MUCH for the 150 comments I received this month! 💗
I hoped to visit more blogs. I had a solid plan for April. 
But you know what they say about making plans...
"If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." — Woody Allen
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" — John Lennon
A dear family member of my spouse went from "stable" to "we're making her comfortable," and finally to passing on. Her last breath was followed by the aurora borealis appearing. (To be clear-- this does NOT happen. Pennsylvania, USA is too far south for the Northern Lights. Except they came this month.) It's the sort of awful and awe-inspiring moment that gives one great pause.

Otherwise, the challenge went fairly well. It was fun to find so many ways to work my book into the alphabet. Ronel, you especially made this challenge fun for me.

Facebook tried to mess with our initial link-up, but John quickly solved that. Jayden came up with a way to share the Master List on the blog itself. Thanks to Arlee for covering when my "N" (Never Give Up) post vanished from the A to Z blog. Zalka did an amazing job of pulling the team out of hibernation this year. A big thanks to our anonymous graphics person for stepping up.

Twitter ... 🤦🏽‍♂️ is testing everyone's patience. And some reports are that Rafflecopter was having international issues, or that the Facebook login feature has stopped working. I know some bloggers ""went rogue"" and opted to post a month of alphabet posts without joining the challenge, without becoming part of the community. They didn't wish to hop to each others' blogs, or support one another, or whatever the reason. You can invite everyone to dinner, it doesn't mean they'll opt to come. 

The A to Z Team is just a handful of volunteers giving what we can to keep people inspired and connected through blogging. We have decades of experience (plus Zalka has a doctorate degree, and a little birdie told me that Jayden will soon have one as well). Our team is diverse in age, origin, gender, country, and culture. We do the very best that we can with what resources we have, and I am proud to be part of this team. 

I hope my fellow bloggers will join us monthly, as we have posts planned for the whole year. And keep hopping with the Road Trip! (Posting next week.) Your blogging community is as strong as you make it. I'll be posting on the A to Z blog in January for the New Year, so get your blogging resolutions ready!

March 10, 2024, will be the next #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal. 📅 Put it on your calendar. 

QUESTION — What did you enjoy most and least about this year's challenge?

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Reflections 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge
#AtoZChallenge Rafflecopter
WIN Custom Proof of Existence Blanket (US only) or Name a Character (International)
(Facebook Log In might not work due to a Rafflecopter error.)

What's next for me?
Bout of Books