Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Conflict in the Writer #IWSG

Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today: Kate Larkindale, Diane Burton, Janet Alcorn, and Shannon Lawrence!

Aug 2 question -

Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

Frost quote
Conflict in the writer!
I wrote about this topic in April, in a way. I was conflicted in book one, Fractions of Existence, where I mentioned the fictional band "Bikinis for Eskimos" because that word is offensive, and book one doesn't explain why I would use it for the fictional band name.
I knew it would get cleared up in the second book. That the band used the name to bring awareness that the word is not appropriate, because too many people are unaware that they shouldn't be using that word. (Which, yes, is my own way of raising awareness, since I'm the author.) It also demonstrates that The Existence (or Jun, at least), is aware of social and language changes. 

Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Publication April 4, 2023

Trigger warning: Content about prejudice and racism 

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Please also visit: The Insecure Writer's Support Group Book Club on Goodreads.

Write Edit PulishWrite Edit Publish blog-

Please check out this page on the WEP site.

And then get ready for the next challenge!

"Chocolat – ooh la la - base your flash/poem on the confection, chocolate shop, café, 1950's setting, France/French cuisine... Or you could use a suspected witch, a character with magical powers/recipes. Or a romance between two disparate people. As always, over to you!"
#WEP August Challenge "#CHOCOLAT" - post August 16 - 18
Chocolat Chocolate

Please share this tweet/post:

A to Z Challenge Happening at the A to Z Challenge - We celebrated🎉 World Emoji day on July 17.

Aug 9 is National Book Lovers Day! 

Take Proof of Existence to the beach


  1. It sounds like you're okay with how you resolved the conflict by explaining it in book 2. It's a tough call that a writer has to make some times.

  2. Sometimes we have to stay the course even if it's controversial if it's something we believe in.

  3. My only conflict also saw resolution in the second book. Great minds think alike.

  4. Handling bigotry in fiction is so tricky. It's a part of our world, and if we write diverse characters authentically, it's going to come up. Yet it can be done wrong, and even when done right, some readers will make the worst possible assumptions about the author.

  5. I've found there are a lot of terms out there people don't realize are offensive. I grew up with many of them and my ignorance leads me to not knowing better. It's not until someone points it out that I find out what's wrong with it, and then I make the effort to change.


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