Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Reflections #AtoZChallenge 2024 and #IWSG Distractions

Reflecions 2024 #AtoZChallenge #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

I have won because all of my posts are posted. (There were some issues getting a few to post at the intended times.) I wish I had pre-scheduled all of them like I usually do, but life didn't work out. I did visit and comment on about 80 blogs in April.
  • Do you believe your blog saw an increase in traffic and comments during April 2024?

#AtoZChallenge 2024 @JLenniDorner stats
Yes. Not as much as in previous years, though.

  • Did you check the MasterList to be sure your entry was correct?
  • Will you do the challenge again next year?
  • Have you followed the social media of the A to Z Challenge?
  • What was your favorite comment left by another A to Z participant on your blog during the challenge? 🏆
This one, on the first day, is probably my favorite from the month.

Erin Penn comment @JLenniDorner blog
  • Did any other A to Z participant make you and your blog feel especially valued this year?
Yes. Ronel, our wonderful graphics person. Her comments really got me through this year. 
Also, a huge thanks and shout-out to Natalie Aguirre, Locksley, Timothy S. Brannan, Frewin55, Donna B. McNicol, and TWW for your comments.
  • Do you have a favorite blog that you found during the challenge this year?
Yes. A history blog with ancient coins. Love it! @CoinOfNote
  • Do you feel you had a positive impact on the Blogging Community during the hop?
Yes, I hope so!
  • Did you invite or encourage any other bloggers to join the challenge?
  • Will you consider doing the challenge again next year?
Yes, you betcha! 

WINNER badge #AtoZChallenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge2024 J Lenni Dorner theme

#AtoZChallenge 2024
Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Shout-out to Alex and the awesome co-hosts for today: Victoria Marie Lees, Kim Lajevardi, Nancy Gideon, and Cathrina Constantine!

May 1 question - How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?

I hate distractions. "I love you, but leave me alone for an hour." 
Yup, they derail me, especially if I have to do something about the distraction. If whatever the distraction is can be done in less than five minutes, I'm fine. Any longer, it'll take me out of my mindset. 


  1. Even five minutes does me in.
    I was mostly offline last month, but the Challenge did seem quieter. That's just blogging these days.

  2. I get distracted by every little thing. Even a bird sitting at the feeder while I'm writing. Have a good month.

  3. I will continue to follow your blog, I've really enjoyed it. Posted my reflections today as well,

  4. Congratulations on completing the A-Z challenge!

  5. Well, you did it! Bravo.

  6. Hi, J. Congrats on finishing the A-Z challenge! You are definitely a winner! I know better than to participate because it would drive me over the edge with stress and worry. But that's my problem ~ lol! Take care and enjoy May!

  7. Well done on the A to Z challenge! I've had to give that up as I'm usually off somewhere having fun for at least part of April :D

  8. You're welcome, J :-) Yeah, distractions are everywhere -- especially with my attention span -- which makes it difficult to concentrate on whatever I'm working on.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Adventures in Audio: An Introduction to Audio Production

  9. Visiting 80 blogs on top of doing your own A-Z and running the show - Kudos!!!

  10. Way to go on all you accomplished. It takes less than 5 minutes for me to lose my mojo if I'm distracted.

  11. Congratulations on completing the challenge.

  12. Stopping by from the reflection spreadsheet. I enjoyed your reflections as well as some of the posts I saw during the challenge. One way I deal with distractions to my writing is by prioritizing activities . This is part of the reason why I am only now getting to commenting on other people's reflections .I was the last person to post a reflection this year and that way I was able to concentrate on other things that I couldn't do much of during the challenge, like working on my poetry.

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Welcome! Please let me know how to find you to say hello back.
What is your favorite fiction genre to read?