Sunday, April 30, 2023

Z is for Zeehan Library #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Australia #Tasmania

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Before anyone runs out and buys this book just because of this setting, please know this is the only scene you'll see in Tasmania. It's important to the story. There's a reason Heath is there. But this really is the whole scene. It is mentioned again later, but over an unexpected phone call. 

Also, sorry, the library wedding scene also did not make the final cut. It has been reduced to nothing more than this mention. 

QUESTION — What does the idea of a wedding in a library evoke for you?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Z 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Y is for Yetta Piagesi #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #tea🍵

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

🍵 The character who owns the tea house has a small role. She's important here because her name starts with Y. She's important in the story because Xavier's mother respects her (which IS saying something). 

QUESTION — Have you ever been to an elegant and proper tea in a place where that service is their primary function? (Not just ordering tea at Starbucks.) 

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Y 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Friday, April 28, 2023

X is for Xavier #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Am I sure they're in Italy? 
The location in this part of the book is based on an actual place. The clouds actually do make the road impossible to see. People who live there just deal with it.

There are MANY scenes with Xavier in this book. But this one amuses me. He's hungry and exhausted, and she's being incredibly annoying, but he responds with love, certainty, and patience. 

QUESTION — In what ways might you know if you were in Heaven? (Or whatever ideal afterlife you might find most desirable if given an option.)

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter X 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Thursday, April 27, 2023

W is for What Are They #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Trigger warning: hostage situation

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

What Are They is my author brand for fictional stories. 
This scene takes place near the beginning of Proof of Existence. Anyone who didn't read Fractions of Existence first will probably be confused. The main characters are shown using their gifts straight away. Here we see that they aren't even in human form. 
It's an Urban Fantasy. Not the kind with detectives though. Expect many pages like this.

QUESTION — What are they? Any thoughts?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter W 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

What's coming up for me?
Bout of Books

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

V is for Virgin #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #1946

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

SPOILER ALERT! The following scene contains a spoiler about the primary relationship of the main characters.

 Trigger Warning: Sexual content discussion, controversial definitions

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

The "trouble" with consulting with experts in history, especially linguists, is that they tend to know something that goes against the grain of what people currently believe. So, despite the fact that researching may (definitely will, if one finds reputable sources... or won't if one hunts for sources that only prove what one hopes to be true) prove the above excerpt to have a buttload of truths 🤯, I shall remind you that the Existence series is listed and marketed as a work of FICTION. An Urban Fantasy, to be exact.
"These words can't be true. J probably made it up because he's an author.
I didn't claim it was true. In fact, I'm selling it as fiction. 
However, I cannot stop anyone from doing the same extensive research. (Especially if places like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are very nearby.) What anyone else does with whatever they learn is their business. I incorporated it into a fictional story for entertainment. 

QUESTION — Have you heard about 1946? 🌈🏳️‍🌈

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter V 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

U is for Ulu #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

The word "Ulu" does not appear in Proof of Existence. Nunavut, Canada does appear. It's a big area. We know they go to an island in that area. 
Anyone using Google Maps also knows that Ulu Peak is in Nunavut.

If you scroll a bit south and west (down and left), you may encounter the more likely location of the island.

"An ulu is a type of knife used by the Inuit / Arctic Indigenous peoples." -
Ulu could also be a reference to this object, which is especially popular in Nunavut, Canada.

QUESTION — Would you consider this post a good way to work U into the AtoZChallenge posts?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter U 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Monday, April 24, 2023

T is for 12 #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Twelve

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Trigger warning: Flashback of kidnapping, violence, burn victim

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

There are twelve spheres between humans and the Great Spirit (in Lenni-Lenape culture). Most bird species have twelve rectrices (tail feathers). The base-12 number system is still as popular among people today as it was in ancient Egyptian times. 

The Existence series holds the number twelve in high regard. Though, in Proof of Existence, it seems as if Caleb is the only one who noticed so far. 

QUESTION — What does the number twelve mean to you?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter T 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

lots of great setting, description, and awesome...... review gif

Saturday, April 22, 2023

S is for Song for Birthday #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

BIRTHDAY SONG Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

When did people start blowing out candles on birthday cakes? No one knows for sure, but it's plausible that it started in ancient times. 🎂

The birthday song, "Happy Birthday to You" written by Mildred and Patty Hill, is in the public domain in the United States and the European Union. Warner Chappell Music claimed copyright on the song until 2015 when the copyright claim was declared invalid. 

Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to put a different birthday song in the book. 

QUESTION — Do you, or someone you know, care to take a crack at putting this to music with me? It's just lyrics like this. 

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter S 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Friday, April 21, 2023

R is for Rajan 🐴 #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #IWSG

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Rajan 🐴 is a horse in Proof of Existence. Arabian horses are normally small in stature, yet this one is described as a large beast. That's a matter of perception on behalf of Wend, not a measurement of hands. 

QUESTION — Have you ever ridden a horse, or wanted to? 

Did you know... The IWSG had a challenge all about books with horses? If you're a writer and a reader, you should join the group on Goodreads and here: IWSG

Today is the SIXTEENTH wedding anniversary of my cousin John and his wife Jamie. She and I are both born in August, so I know that peridot is her birthstone as well as anniversary stone. She does the #AtoZChallenge and helps Jayden and I out whenever we ask. Please go wish her well today.
16 anniversary banner

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter R 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Q is for Dr. Quedlin #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #WEPFF #UrbanFantasy

Post - April 19th to 21st 2023

A to Z Theme:
A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023


Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Excerpts from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Not a traditional "flash fiction," to be sure. I've never seen this movie, so I wasn't sure what to do for this prompt. I looked up more details about the movie and picked these four scenes. 
  • Heath has bravery. He isn't afraid the "bad guys" will come for him.
  • One small event can change a life forever. 
  • There is a secret being kept from Wend's family, much like Guido keeps a secret from his son and other children. 
  • Nazis made a point of saying some people didn't fit in and would never belong. That's a far stretch from how Wend is feeling here, like one of the many they hated and put into concentration camps. Still, plenty of the terrorized victims probably did want to go home and do simple, normal things, like drinking chocolate milk. 
Yikes, I'm not even close. 
But there is a glimpse of (Dr.) Sir Heath Quedlin, D.C., M.D., F.A.C.S., D.G.S., Ph.D.
(It isn't mentioned in the book, but a knighted doctor would go by "Sir" instead of "Doctor.")

So, there's a separate flash fiction for WEP below, because I had no real way to connect my book to that movie.

QUESTION — How would you tie these to the film in under 1000 words?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Q 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

#WEPFF April 2026


By J Lenni Dorner

quis = son

To equate the genocide committed by the Nazis to the genocide of Native Americans would be wrong. The two should not be compared. 
To use the feelings of a character in a movie to recreate the probable thoughts and feelings of a real person from long ago for a work of flash fiction, however, is acceptable. That is what this is. I used Lenni-Lenape words for the family structure because that feels the most right to me. The dad character is based on a real person, though little is known about him beyond his bravery and efforts. The title uses antonyms from the prompt. 

MPA: 607 
Tag: A father prepares his son to leave with him in hopes of surviving. 

"Here, quis. You see the bend in the sapling?"

"Our trail marker." He claps his hands, knowing he's right. 

My broken heart fills with pride. "Yes. We must break it."

"But this one leads to the place we buried her."

I swallow hard, the river of tears barely at bay. "That is why we must break it. If they deduce the code, they will find her body and take her and the others from their rest. Hurry now, help me keep them hidden."

The monsters hold nothing sacred. A burial place becomes holes where they leave feces. It matters not to them that there is no river or creek to cleanse after. 

We spend hours removing as many trail markers as possible. Some trees are too old or sacred for us to undo the marks. One marker is made of stone. I kneel before it. How long has this stood? Since the crow first flew? Since the wolf first howled? How many of my people have crossed this path to get here? 


Do I honor them by what I do today? Is my quis better off alive? The monsters outnumber us. They have taken so many of our resources. And too many have been lost in the battle for our home. 

I pull my quis nearer. "All that this stone means, and all those who have come to it, that is in you now. You must carry all we are in your heart. We keep only what we can pass on to our children. Remember the stone, my quis."

I smash it. The sacred stone does not go easily. I must do it again and again until I can lift my arms no more. They cannot take what no longer exists.

The arms of a hunter. By my bow, our people were once fed. The last arrow I shot was into the heart of my own ànati. The monsters took her. We all know what they planned to do. By the time I was near enough to draw back an arrow, she was already as naked as the babies she helped bring into this world. All of her knowledge, all her love, gone. By my arrow. Better than the fate they planned. 

We sleep beside the smashed stone. It will be the last slumber on the land of our people. I'm grateful for the ants on my arm. At least they will remember we were here. 

"Come, quis. It is time to wake." I hold a handful of berries. Will we ever taste these again? 

"Nuxa, when we leave this forest, how will my ànati find us?"

"She was taken by the monsters on the great water. We will not see her again."

"What if she swims home? The great turtle might bring her back to shore."

The monsters took her while I went for my ànati. It had been only a few days after we buried my other child. Sick from the blanket. We should not have traded with the monsters. A wolf is a wolf and a dog is a dog, it was unwise to believe we could sway the spirits to form a mutualistic relationship with monsters. 

"If the turtle brings her back, the turkey will guide her to us." There is no coming back. I haven't the strength to tell him this again. Today we will join the others as we leave our home. Perhaps others will keep the monsters at bay. Maybe one day our people will return to our land. We may again be known by our name, not by the name of the monster who claims ownership over us.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

P is for PEARL JAM #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Trigger warning: Rock concert

Pearl Jam Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Yes, the Pearl Jam concert mentioned in the book really happened. And yes, it ran way later than expected (or permitted). A legendary and memorable event.
The kind that members of the Existence being at would explain what happened. 

QUESTION — What's the best concert you've ever been to, and what made it great?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter P 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

O is for Older #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

There are older ancient civilizations than the Greeks and Romans.
Yeah, I know. And not just the Egyptians, either.
There were other places on Earth! 
Yup, take a minute. Slow, deep breaths. (I know it's not a shock to all of you, but it always is to a select few. Seriously.) Ready for this?
There were places built to honor their deities, and a handful of them survived the various religious wars.

QUESTION — Did you know there are other ancient civilizations and that they had beliefs?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter O 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Monday, April 17, 2023

N is for Nevada #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

Nevada comes up in more than one way in the book. It is the name of Xavier's personal pilot, as indicated by the scenes above. It is also the state Caleb is in when looking for a place to relocate. (Somewhere between Las Vegas and Reno.)

QUESTION — Have you ever been to Nevada, USA?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter N 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Saturday, April 15, 2023

M is for Menarche Blood #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #Book

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Trigger warning: Implied Violence

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner

While nearing the end of Proof of Existence, a reader might think The Eyes in the Shadows aren't so bad. Antagonists but not evil. 😈 Yet, in this scene, they're holding seven girls hostage while waiting to take the blood from their first periods to end humanity. 
M is also for Monsters, and in Proof of Existence, the monsters are human.

QUESTION — Sometimes we learn new vocabulary words from books. Did you know what "Menarche Blood" meant?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter M 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Friday, April 14, 2023

L is for Lenox Hill #giveaway #AtoZChallenge 2023 Proof of Existence #UrbanFantasy #NYC

A behind-the-scenes look at and inside scoop on PROOF OF EXISTENCE, Book Two of the Existence series.
📚 Proof of Existence - Published April 4, 2023

Trigger warning: Mention of a serpent

Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner
Excerpt from Proof of Existence by @JLenniDorner The 6.

Authors face a lot of tough decisions when publishing a book. As someone living in NYC, Heath would simply call public transit, especially the subway, by the letter or number. "The Six train" 🚆 would actually just be "the Six." But what would that mean to the audience? In Boston people ride "the T." New York City transit is complicated. 

QUESTION — How many minutes apart do you suppose the wealthiest and poorest live in your area?

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter L 💻📚🛒📦😃📖#AtoZChallenge 2023

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge