Thursday, April 1, 2021

#atozchallenge A is for Alex, All Kinds of Animal Families, Alpha Goddess , Avoidables, TBR or AR, #GiveThanksNotPranks

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter A

An alphabet of J's favorite blogs

A is for
I love Alex's blog because:
  • Movie reviews! I often find out about films I haven't heard of or there's a discussion about a new movie that I enjoy. 
  • Book releases! Often by indie authors I've heard of and want to add to my TBR. 
  • Alex was on the A to Z Team back when I first took part in the challenge, and the next year when I became one of Arlee's Ambassadors. (I was upgraded to a full team member in Jan 2017, the same time Alex stepped into the consultant role and declared "No Linky List!".) Alex had kept the linky list clean, a task that took many hours every April. He runs the IWSG now- please check back on Wednesday for my post for that.       

#atozchallenge Usborne books for Children

“All Kinds of Animal Families” is new to Usborne this year. This book features the diversity of family life through the stories of animal families. This inclusive book addresses topics of families with two moms or two dads, grandparents, adoption, and more, and is packed with animal facts as well!

"Shipping only available to USA and  military bases from the provided Usborne link." - Kathryn Mowers (Consultant for the Dorner family)

J's TBR pile #atozchallenge

A is for these books on my TBR pile:

  • Alex Finch: Monster Hunter by Cate Dean
    • Buffy Meets Supernatural in this exciting YA paranormal mystery.
    • Free on Amazon
  • Alpha Goddess by Amalie Howard
    •  immortal Indian goddess rumored to control all the planes of existence
    • the myth of Rama and Sita’s love story - famous Hindu myth.
  • Avoidables 1 (City of Unwanted Faces) by Rachel Medhurst
    • In a future where people who are deemed ugly or unique are banished
    • angels come to Earth to infiltrate
    • Work to help the angels bring back humanity

About Me question:
My theme survey results included three questions about me. Today I'll answer the first:

"Which is bigger, TBR or AR?"

Well, I never kept tracked when I was younger. In fact, I only started keeping track when I joined Goodreads in Dec 2011, about a decade ago. I read about 100 books a year in part of my teen years, and have about 250 books reviewed on Goodreads. To wager a guess, I'd say I've read about 1,500 books in my lifetime. There are about 1,200 books on my TBR (half of which I own). So I guess my already read pile is higher, though the TBR pile does grow faster than the AR pile, so it's only a matter of time... πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“–πŸ”–

  • Have you been to this favorite blog of mine?
  • Have you read these books?
  • Have you read more books than you want to read one day?
  • What's your favorite flavor apple? 🍏 I like Granny Smith.

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge
Please consider getting a shirt.

Thanks to: , ,


  1. I enjoyed your post. I like most apples. Jonamacs are pretty good as are Gala. I am so excited that the challenge is finally here but I'm also unsure how I'm going to keep up with it. Probably by writing awfully short comments :)

  2. This will be such a good theme to follow. Haven't read any of those books, so I can add them to my TBR list, which I think will always be longer than my AR list! And I'm off to check out Alex's blog :-)

  3. I haven't read any of the books you mentioned. But I do like Alex's Blog. My TBR is so long and it keeps getting longer every year.

  4. Happy A to Z! :) And thank you for mentioning the Usborne book! I have been looking for something like that recently!

    The Multicolored Diary

  5. McCouns!


  6. Enjoyed your post, have a great A to Z journey.

  7. Happy April 1st! Lots of great A's here.

    Anne from

  8. Ooh! Another blog for the scavenger hunt, J. I read so many books I don't have time to keep up with Goodreads. Catching up there is another project. I review books on my blog.

  9. I enjoy Alex's blog too. I would really like to add Alpha Goddess to my TBR pile.

  10. Haha. I see what you did with the "Apple" there.

    This year, I'm posting:
    Art work:

  11. I have been to the blog, not read any of the books, will never be able to read more than I want to, and am a honeycrisp apple snob.

  12. Thanks so much, JL! I appreciate that. Yes, the Linky List was a beast, especially in the days of two thousand participants. You stepped in at the right time.

  13. Good list. The only one I knew was Alex's--and that's an excellent choice. Didn't know all that background.

  14. Oh this is going to be a delicious series full of treasures to check out! I'm a voracious reader AND i have a mountain of books I can't wait to get to. If only I could find the portal of hidden hours in the day! Alpha Goddess is on my list, and Honey Crisps are my favorite apple. I'll be heading to Alex's blog soon.

  15. Your A to Z will be quite interesting! I love books, and I love learning about new blogs. I had not been to Alex's blog before. I also haven't read those books. I do love apples though! Cosmic Crisps are my favorite, but usually I have to make due with Honey Crisp. Both are worth paying a lot more per pound to get.

  16. Fun post today and a great start to AtoZ2021. Yes, I have visited Alex's blog site many times but have not read the books you listed, although Avoidables sounds interesting. Have I read more books than I want to read one day? Yes, because I'm 75! And Fuji apples rule.

  17. The last time I did AtoZ in 2018, I did an "Odds & Ends" random dragon artwork theme, and it worked out well. This year I'm back with a new website, writing about my recent move from MN to FL. I'm sure I'll be back to check out these new blogs, and I wish you luck with AtoZ!

    Jamie Lyn Weigt | St. Paul 2 St. Pete | AtoZ 2021: A is for Apartment Hunting

  18. Fantastic! Rejoining the A to Z Challenge. My last outing was 2016.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do all month!

    Tim Brannan, 2021: The A to Z of Monsters

  19. 'Macoun' apples are the best!!! Excellent theme this year. Party on.

  20. I enjoy Alex's blog, too. I've just gotten my copy of Alex Finch, Monster Hunter, so thanks! And I love Granny Smith apples, too :-)

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: Anubis


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